
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


NEC Birmingham - Concourse Hospitality Suites 28/29
North Avenue, Marston Green, Birmingham, B40 1NT
Map Unavailable

This is the first planned ”hybrid’ workshop for 2024; organised and hosted by MHA+ digital working group and sponsored by Taylor Woodrow

You have the choice of  registering for face to face or virtual attendance. On-line participants will be invited to join from 10.00 ( you will be provided with a joining code to access the event ‘virtually’). For those that register to attend in person, free parking will be allocated at the NEC.

NEC Conference Centre Birmingham, Concourse Hospitality Suites 28/29 – click here for the main NEC map.

The Concourse Suites are in the Atrium Area click here to view NEC Atrium map 

click here for more information about the event location and parking for free

click here for more information on nearest car park

Google map 

Most of the world has recognized that we need to digitalise our activities to make our operations more efficient, safer and allow us to manage by fact.

Whilst all organizations are digitalizing, no two are doing it in exactly the same way, at the same speed or have exactly the same challenges.

We are however all solving similar problems, rather than face these alone we have the opportunity within the MHA+ community to learn from each other’s successes and failures.

The workshop will focus on

Design, Construction, Handover & Maintenance. The event will provide four sessions which will present the art of the possible, what our event presenters see as some of the good solutions and where we are aiming for.

The aim of the digital workshops is make connections with people interested in the digitalisation of highway works across the MHA+ and to help MHA+ members and supply chain partners on their digitalisation journey.

There will be talks delivered by MHA+ contractors / designers / authorities, covering:

Value in Digitalisation of Design: including 3D Concrete Printing for highways

Value in Digitalisation of Construction; including digitalisation of concrete testing

Value in Digitalisation of Handover: including digitalisation of highway testing

Value in Digitalisation of maintenance

as well as talks from three innovative companies that are winning awards for their work in this space:

  • Cloud Cycle – who have technology that eliminates the slump test and provides a golden thread for readymix concrete
  • Changemaker3D – who have worked out how to make 3D concrete printing relevant to highways
  • Highway Data Systems – who have technology that eliminates the need for technicians when surfacing

lunch and refreshments are provided

Digital working group information is available on the secure Information Sharing Platform – for registered users.

If you do not have a MHA+ lms account and want to attend this event: click on the link below


If you already have a MHA+ lms username and password – click here to login to your MHA+ lms event record

click the Events tab and then the Available Events option – this workshop is there for you to book your attendance you have choices of face to face or ‘virtual’ using MS Teams.

You can

  • advise on any dietary or other preferences on the learning management system by sending us a message when you book
  • view the event programme outline
  • opt for this event to be added to your Outlook calendar

Guidance on how to access the learning, training and continuing professional development gateway is available in the Learning Management System user guide. You can download a copy here