Search Results for: "SIG"


MAKING BIM WORK FOR THE MIDLANDS HIGHWAY ALLIANCE A mission statement and high level plan was agreed as part of a workshop, facilitated by AECOM. The Government are pressing for compliance with BIM level 2, and whilst this is not yet mandatory, there is an expectation compliance will be assessed in future funding bids. A joint BIM MHA/MSIG…

Framework Community Board

Professional Services A Framework Community Board (FCB), comprising representatives of each member authority using PSP3, and a representative of each supplier, will meet bi-monthly to review contract issues, workload, integration, performance, innovation, shared learning and other matters which might arise. The Framework Community Board will report to the Programme Board. The FCB objective is to…

Competencies Framework

MHA+ skills and development Midlands Highways Alliance Plus Skills planning is about organising and developing resources to make sure that: our frameworks are delivered consistently by members and their supply chain that the supply chain is trained to help meet business objectives in the short, medium and long term. Effective engagement will support the delivery…

A new project

Medium Schemes If you are considering using the MSF 4 as a procurement route for your next project you will first need to check that your authority is a member of MHA+ and that the type of project falls within the scope of MSF 4. You can either download the Framework Information at the bottom…

MSF1 – Collaboration – Peterborough Triangle

“The road solutions that we collaboratively installed have already seen a positive impact on the area. We hope that over the next few years there is a significant decrease in the total number of accidents around the triangle area.”   Project: Peterborough Triangle Improvement Scheme             Contract Value: £430,000 Client: Peterborough City…

Family Business Futures Conference

28/04/2015 – @ 10:00 am – 4:15 pm – Leicester has been chosen as the host city for the first Family Business Futures Conference.

MSF1 – Collaboration – Loughborough Town Transport Scheme

“The early completion of phase one and the unprecedented support from local residents and businesses was a result of the collaborative proactive approach taken by Leicestershire County Council and Eurovia to deliver the project. The project team were supported by the Midlands Highway Alliance to strategically monitor project performance and motivate wider community development. “…

MSF1 – Early Contractor Involvement – Doncaster Southern Gateway

  “The Early Contractor Involvement phase allowed the experience of the team to challenge the design and develop a methodology which resulted in making significant savings of nearly 10% of the £32m build.”     Project: Doncaster Southern Gateway                                …

Early Contractor Involvement

Medium Schemes One of the key features of this framework is the ability to engage with the project framework contractor or contractors at an early stage. Significant savings can be made by allowing the contractor input into the design process. The sooner a framework contractor is selected, the greater are the potential savings.  You can…