MHA+ Service Improvement Groups

The planned programme of service improvement group meetings is well underway and we look forward to welcoming new members to our groups.   Service Improvement Groups (SIG) are open to all MHA+ member authority employees, including those who are employed via a long-term maintenance contract for a member authority.

A full programme of dates for service improvement group meetings is available – use the search function to find information on any of the SIG via the MHA+ Calendar.


Here’s the link to the MHA+ SIG Members site


Click here to download more information about the SIG members site.

The SIG members site provides information on SIG meetings (agendas,  minutes, presentations etc.), a document library, comparative/benchmarking data and online discussion boards (and responses) from subject matter experts. Content is constantly updated and members can post new items.

*We hope that all those members who had user accounts for the old site are now using their new login


If you would like set up an MHA+ SIG members site account, please contact SIG Co-ordinators

We hope that members will find the site simple and easy to use

Contact SIG Co-ordinators for more information or if you would like to join any of the service improvement groups listed below.

  • Low Carbon Transport & Travel
  • Casualty Reduction
  • Civil Parking Enforcement
  • Development Management
  • Flood Water Management
  • Highway Asset Management
  • Highway Structures
  • Highways Records & Searches
  • Street Lighting
  • Streetworks & Temporary Activity
  • Term Maintenance
  • Third Party Claims
  • Traffic Signals
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Transportation Data & Analysis
  • Winter Services