Learning Gateway
MHA+ Skills Community
Learning Together
One of Midland Highway Alliance Plus objectives is to embed partnering principles and construction best practice in all its work. This includes supporting a virtual skills community and a collaborative approach to learning, training and development.
The collaboration will provide the opportunity to integrate a range of learning, training and development including those provided by local authority clients and the framework contractors.
Learning, training and development opportunities will be accessible to those working for members (client) and suppliers as well as supporting apprentices and graduates. A copy of the MHA+ learning, training and development policy can be accessed here
Our framework suppliers offer technical expertise and other content that can assist in building your knowledge base.
We work with ICE and commission accredited events and content, using ICE subject matter expertise, particularly on NEC 4 contracts that underpin both of our framework contracts.
Institute of Chartered Engineers (ICE) provide recorded lectures covering a vast range of civil engineering and topics and subjects. Click here to access and use the search bar to refine
Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) provide a range of virtual learning via their CIHT Learn platform( for members). Click here to access and use the search bar to refine
November 2023: Retaining our talent click here to download great practice across local government – including examples from our MHA+ members
Diversity & Inclusion – some key facts and figures
The current situation in highways and transportation:
- In 71% of organisations, women make up fewer than one in ten of the board.
- Men occupy more than 90% of management roles.
- Only 48% of corporate partners are currently using flexible working to attract and retain talented employees.
- Minority ethnic people make up less than 10% of the workforce (national average is 14%).
- Greater diversity of recruits from a wider talent pool.
- Greater diversity of people progressing through the organisation.
- Benefits to corporate reputation via publicity, benchmarking and awards.
- Benefits in terms of creativity and innovation.
- An increase in employee engagement.
Routes to Diversity & Inclusion is the first toolkit of its kind for the highways and transportation sector. It provides a route map to success through diversity and inclusion.
The toolkit offers practical guidance, case studies and links to reliable sources of expert advice for employers to help recruit, retain and develop a more diverse workforce. By doing so, employers will improve their own business performance and increase capacity within the industry.
A range of links, media and resources to improve diversity in engineering is available as part of the Big Engineering Conversation – EngineeringUK
Also available on out learning management system are virtual learning modules including:
- Equality and Diversity – getting it right; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace; Equal Opportunities and the Law
- content to support personal development such as collaborative working techniques; conflict resolution; confidentiality, building strong relationships and listening skills